Role of Weight Loss Tablets: An In-depth Guide for 2023

Role of Weight Loss Tablets: An In-depth Guide for 2023

Are you struggling with serious health concerns due to obesity?

Has diet and exercise repeatedly failed you to achieve your weight loss goals?

If yes, there’s still a beacon of hope: weight loss pills. Beyond traditional approaches, these pills have emerged as potential game-changers, offering a different route towards shedding those stubborn pounds. 

But how do they help you lose weight?

Can they truly help with sustaining weight loss?

Can they help you reclaim control over your body and health? 

This comprehensive blog will dissect these questions and explain thoroughly, shedding light on the role of weight loss tablets and a balanced diet.

How do medical weight loss tablets work?

Role of weight loss tablets and the science behind it

Weight loss pills are pharmaceutical compounds that assist individuals in losing weight by targeting various physiological mechanisms engaged in metabolism, appetite regulation, and fat absorption. These medications are usually prescribed for individuals struggling with obesity or excessive body weight who haven’t attained desired outcomes solely through lifestyle modifications.

But how do weight loss pills work? Numerous weight loss pills influence the central nervous system to quell appetite or amplify the sensation of fullness, resulting in curtailed food consumption. Certain drugs operate by inhibiting enzymes that break down dietary fats, thereby diminishing fat absorption in the digestive tract. Furthermore, specific prescription weight loss pills can heighten thermogenesis—the generation of body heat—leading to the burning of additional calories.

These weight loss pills and lifestyle changes can help achieve the desired body weight. Here is the science explained in further detail:

How can metabolism and energy balance affect weight loss?

Understanding metabolism and energy balance is crucial to grasp how weight loss products work. Our bodies constantly use energy for various functions, and the balance between energy intake (from food) and energy expenditure (through metabolism and physical activity) determines how we lose weight. If we consume more energy than we burn, excess energy is stored as fat, leading to weight gain.

Role of weight loss tablets in suppressing appetite

Intricate hormonal and neural mechanisms regulate appetite and food intake in our bodies. Ghrelin, often called the “hunger hormone,” signals our brain when hungry, while hormones like leptin inform us when we’re full. Weight loss products sometimes target these hormones to reduce appetite and calorie intake. 

How do fat-burning hormones react with weight loss supplements?

Certain weight loss products focus on altering fat metabolism and absorption. They may inhibit enzymes that break down dietary fats in the digestive tract. By doing so, these products aim to decrease the calories absorbed from consumed fats.

How do weight loss pills burn fat?

Thermogenesis is the process by which our bodies produce heat and burn calories. Some weight loss products attempt to boost thermogenesis, increasing calorie expenditure. These weight loss pills can also enhance fat oxidation—the breakdown of stored fat for energy—and contribute to weight loss.

Relation between weight loss pills and carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are a primary energy source, but excessive carbohydrate intake can lead to weight gain. Certain weight loss products target carbohydrate absorption, aiming to reduce the number of calories derived from carbohydrates.

Influencing the Gut Bacteria for healthy weight loss

Emerging research suggests a link between gut microbiota—the community of microorganisms in our digestive tract—and weight regulation. Some weight loss products aim to influence the gut microbiota composition to impact metabolism and lose weight favourably.

How effective are weight loss pills?

No matter how effective weight loss pills are in destroying stubborn fat, it is important to complement anti-obesity medications with the correct diet to improve weight loss.

  1. Varied Efficacy: Responses to these products can vary widely among individuals due to genetic, lifestyle, and metabolic differences.
  2. Long-term Sustainability: Sustainable body weight management requires lifestyle changes, including a balanced diet and regular exercise. Relying solely on products might not lead to lasting results.
  3. Health Risks: Some products may have side effects or interact with medications. Consulting a healthcare professional before using them is crucial.
  4. Regulation and Safety: Not all weight loss products undergo rigorous testing for safety and efficacy. Choosing products approved by relevant health authorities is essential.

10 Weight Loss Tablets and the Role it Plays in Weight Loss

Here, we’ll dive into a curated list of the top 10 weight loss pills that have gained approval for their potential to support weight loss journeys. 

PhenQ PM:

PhenQ PM is a remarkable weight loss supplement that offers a unique approach to shedding unwanted pounds. This innovative diet pill has garnered a solid reputation over the past decade for its reliability and effectiveness.

How PhenQ PM Works: PhenQ PM has a multifaceted approach to weight loss. This effective weight loss supplement leverages the power of scientifically backed ingredients to bring about positive changes. During sleep, PhenQ PM enhances the body’s fat-burning capabilities by releasing growth hormones that aid in getting lean muscle mass and trigger the breakdown of fats. 

This, in turn, is supported by the reduction of cortisol levels – a key factor in body fat breakdown. Moreover, the formula promotes deep sleep, contributing to overall well-being and weight loss. PhenQ PM also tackles appetite suppression, helping you make healthier dietary choices.


Ozempic, a semaglutide injection, offers a dual solution for weight loss and type 2 diabetes management. By harnessing the power of the GLP-1 hormone, it triggers sensations of fullness while curbing hunger. This medication stimulates insulin production, curtails glucose output from the liver to stabilise blood sugar levels, and moderates the pace at which the stomach processes food. Previously FDA-approved under various formulations, Ozempic (injectable) and Rybelsus (oral pill) combat type 2 diabetes effectively.

How it Works: Operating as a mimic of the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) hormone, Ozempic targets key brain regions responsible for appetite and food intake regulation. Through this mechanism, it establishes a feeling of satiety and suppresses hunger. It tackles blood sugar imbalances by regulating insulin secretion and curbing glucose production. Additionally, its ability to slow down gastric emptying further contributes to its weight-loss effects.

Both in injectable (Ozempic) and oral pill (Rybelsus) forms, this medication has garnered FDA approval for managing type 2 diabetes and losing weight.


Metformin is a prescription weight loss drug frequently employed in managing type 2 diabetes. Its potential advantages in promoting weight loss have also captured significant attention. Through the enhancement of insulin sensitivity and the reduction of hepatic glucose production, Metformin can induce minor weight loss in select individuals. It’s worth noting that the extent of its weight management effects can vary, and it is generally recommended for individuals dealing with diabetes or insulin resistance.

How it Works: The primary mechanism of action for Metformin revolves around the enhancement of the body’s receptiveness to insulin, a pivotal hormone governing blood glucose levels. This medication facilitates cells’ more efficient glucose uptake, diminishing excessive sugar in the bloodstream.

As a result, a decrease in appetite and a marginal reduction in caloric consumption can occur, contributing to gradual and progressive weight loss over an extended period. It is important to consider that outcomes may diverge individually, underscoring the importance of consulting a healthcare professional before commencing usage.


Orlistat is one of the FDA-approved weight loss supplements renowned for its efficacy. It works by inhibiting the absorption of dietary fat within the digestive system, predominantly in the stomach and small intestine. By blocking the assimilation of body fat, it aids in curbing calorie intake, which is pivotal for weight management.

How It Works: Orlistat’s mechanism revolves around interfering with enzymes responsible for breaking down fat molecules during digestion. By obstructing these enzymes, the pill prevents the body from absorbing a portion of ingested fat. This unabsorbed fat is excreted, thus promoting a reduced calorie intake. Studies reveal that individuals can witness a weight loss of approximately 5 to 10 pounds within six months of usage. Notably, Orlistat functions directly in the gastrointestinal tract, curbing fat absorption from consumed foods.


Qsymia is one of the effective prescription weight loss drugs that fall under the sympathomimetic amines category. Marketed under the brand name Qsymia, this medication combines phentermine and topiramate.

How it works: Qsymia combines two key components. Phentermine, a central nervous system stimulant and appetite suppressant, shares similarities with amphetamine. Topiramate, an anticonvulsant, works to curb appetite and enhance the feeling of fullness, contributing to weight loss. Studies indicate that phentermine or topiramate, found in Qsymia, leads to an average weight loss of approximately 17 pounds (7.7 kg). Furthermore, it has significantly reduced belly fat, blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels.


Naltrexone/bupropion, commercially recognised as Contrave, is an orally administered medication that amalgamates two key components: bupropion, an antidepressant, and naltrexone, predominantly employed in managing opioid or alcohol use disorders. 

How it Works: While the precise operational intricacies of naltrexone/bupropion remain somewhat elusive, it is postulated to catalyse weight loss through its impact on specific cerebral regions. This orchestration entails the reduction of food consumption, elevation of metabolic rate, and augmentation of sensations of satiety.


Belviq, known by its generic name Lorcaserin, is an FDA-approved weight loss medication catering to individuals with a body mass index of 30 or higher. With a focus on holistic well-being, Belviq is a prominent player in weight management. Its effectiveness is realised with a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

How it Works: Belviq operates by targeting the serotonin receptors in the brain, which play a pivotal role in regulating appetite. By activating these receptors, the medication helps individuals feel satisfied with smaller portions, reducing caloric intake. This pharmacological approach empowers those seeking weight loss to exert greater control over their eating habits, aligning with their health and fitness objectives.


Amfepramone is an effective appetite suppressant that complements a calorie-deficit diet and an active exercise routine. Its primary role extends beyond mere hunger control—it augments the body’s energy expenditure, facilitating the combustion of additional calories. Typically recommended for short-term utilisation, Amfepramone targets individuals with a body mass index ranging from 27 to 30 or higher who grapple with weight-related concerns.

How it works: Amfepramone operates as a multifaceted weight loss solution. By curbing the appetite, it aids in reducing overall caloric intake, a pivotal aspect of weight management. Concurrently, it propels the body’s energy demands, intensifying fat-burning. This two-pronged approach creates a conducive environment for shedding excess weight. This medication finds its niche within a short-term strategy, ensuring its suitability for individuals falling within the body mass index range of 27 to 30 or higher, burdened by weight-related challenges.

Tenuate Dospan:

Tenuate Dospan is a prescription-based appetite suppressant designed to assist individuals in achieving short-term weight loss goals. This FDA-approved medication is recommended for those struggling with overeating and seeking effective ways to curb their appetite.

How It Works: Diethylpropion functions as a sympathomimetic amine, stimulating the release of norepinephrine in the body. This leads to increased feelings of fullness and reduced hunger, ultimately aiding individuals in consuming fewer calories. By targeting the body’s appetite control centre, this medication can help users manage their food intake and establish healthier eating habits. It’s important to note that Diethylpropion is typically recommended for short-term use, as its effectiveness may diminish over time.

Saxenda: Liraglutide, marketed as Saxenda, initially designed to manage type 2 diabetes, has gained approval as a weight loss aid. Administered through prescription, this effective weight loss pill harnesses the power of modern medicine to address weight concerns effectively.

How it Works: Saxenda operates through dual mechanisms to foster weight loss. Primarily, it enhances the sensation of fullness, curbing overeating tendencies and promoting healthier portion control. This effect stems from its influence on appetite-regulating brain signals. Additionally, Saxenda moderates digestion, prolonging the absorption of nutrients. This gradual absorption aids in maintaining stable energy levels and avoiding sudden hunger spikes.

Are there any side effects to taking weight loss pills?

Weight loss tablets can carry risks and side effects due to their interactions with the body’s complex systems. Also, it is crucial to acknowledge that individual reactions might differ, and not everyone will encounter identical adverse effects. Here are a few possible side effects that should be considered:

Gastrointestinal Problems: Tablets that hinder fat absorption could result in gastrointestinal unease. This includes symptoms like diarrhoea, greasy stools, and heightened frequency of bowel movements.

Cardiovascular Implications: Specific weight loss supplements could elevate heart rate or blood pressure, a matter of concern particularly for individuals with preexisting cardiovascular conditions.

Alterations in Mood and Nervous System: Certain tablets might influence mood and the functioning of the nervous system, potentially giving rise to feelings of anxiety, sleeplessness, or restlessness.

Nutritional Deficiencies: The swift weight reduction facilitated by these tablets might not give the body adequate nutrients. This leads to deficiencies in essential vitamins, minerals, and other vital compounds.

Interactions with Other Drugs: A weight loss pill can interact with other medications an individual might consume, potentially modifying their efficacy or triggering undesirable reactions.

Potential for Dependence and Tolerance: A risk linked with some appetite-suppressing tablets is the possibility of developing tolerance or dependence, resulting in diminishing effectiveness over time or encountering challenges when attempting to discontinue usage.

This is why taking a weight loss pill without a doctor’s diagnosis is a strict no-no!

Are natural diet pills effective for weight management?

These are some of the natural weight loss supplements

The natural dietary supplement contains various natural ingredients, including herbal extracts, vitamins, minerals, and other bioactive substances. These pills are commonly used by individuals aiming to lose weight by impacting their metabolism, hunger, and energy expenditure.

Here are some examples of specific natural ingredients commonly found in natural diet pills and their purported effects on weight management:

  1. Garcinia Cambogia: Extracted from a tropical fruit, garcinia cambogia is often added to weight loss supplements due to its active component, hydroxy citric acid (HCA). HCA is thought to block an enzyme called citrate lyase, which is linked to fat production. This blockage decreases the transformation of carbs into fats, potentially resulting in weight loss.
  2. Green Tea Extract: Green tea contains catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), recognised for their antioxidant and thermogenic traits. EGCG is believed to boost metabolism and the body’s fat-burning pace. It might also aid in lowering the intake of dietary fats.
  3. Raspberry Ketones: Found in raspberries, raspberry ketones emit a distinct aroma. They are assumed to impact the hormone adiponectin, which regulates metabolism and fat breakdown. Some supporters suggest that raspberry ketones can enhance fat breakdown.
  4. Glucomannan: Derived from the konjac plant’s root, glucomannan is a soluble fibre. It can absorb substantial amounts of water in the stomach, fostering a sense of fullness and reducing hunger. This fibre might also decelerate nutrient digestion and uptake, contributing to weight loss.
  5. 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan): 5-HTP is a natural amino acid precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter governing mood and appetite. Elevating serotonin levels through 5-HTP supplementation might reduce appetite and calorie consumption.
  6. Caffeine: While not solely plant-derived, caffeine is commonly found in sources like green coffee beans and tea leaves. Green coffee beans are a stimulant that transiently amplifies metabolism and energy use. Additionally, caffeine can curb appetite and enhance mental alertness, potentially supporting weight-loss endeavours.
  7. Capsaicin: The fiery element in chilli peppers, capsaicin, is thought to possess thermogenic attributes that increase calorie burning and fat breakdown. It might also mildly suppress the appetite.
  8. Chitosan: Extracted from crustacean shells, chitosan is frequently part of fat-blocking supplements. It binds to dietary fats in the digestive system, inhibiting their absorption. However, its actual impact on weight loss is disputed, and it can disrupt the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
  9. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): CLA, a type of fatty acid found in meat and dairy, is believed to impact body composition by boosting stored fat breakdown and inhibiting fat storage. However, its weight-loss effects are relatively moderate.
  10. Apple Cider Vinegar: While usually not in pill form, apple cider vinegar supplements assert weight loss aid by reducing appetite, enhancing digestion, and boosting metabolism. Nevertheless, the scientific backing for these assertions is limited.

Exploring the Mechanisms behind Natural Weight Loss Supplements

  1. Metabolism Enhancement: Certain natural weight loss supplements can amplify metabolism, which pertains to the body’s biochemical processes, transforming food into usable energy. These pills might incorporate substances like green tea extract, caffeine, or capsaicin (found in chilli peppers), all believed to possess thermogenic qualities. Thermogenesis is the body’s way of generating heat and consuming calories to sustain this heat production. However, the impact of these elements on metabolism could be modest and short-lived.
  2. Appetite Suppression: Another strategy of natural diet supplements involves suppressing appetite, resulting in lower calorie consumption. Elements like glucomannan (derived from the konjac plant’s root) or 5-HTP (a serotonin precursor) are thought to stimulate a sensation of fullness and satisfaction. However, the effectiveness of these components in significantly curbing appetite may differ from person to person.
  3. Fat Absorption Inhibition: Some natural diet pills strive to block the assimilation of dietary fats within the digestive system. One example is chitosan, a compound frequently included in such supplements. Derived from crustacean shells, chitosan is believed to bind with dietary fats, impeding their absorption. Nevertheless, the actual influence of chitosan on weight loss seems restricted, and it could also disrupt the intake of essential fat-soluble vitamins.

Considerations and realities:

  1. Efficacy Variability: The effectiveness of natural dietary supplements to reduce body fat can differ greatly among individuals. Genetics, lifestyle, diet, and overall health affect how these products engage with the body.
  2. Scientific Evidence: Although a few studies propose that specific natural elements could slightly affect weight loss, the general evidence needs to be more conclusive or limited. Moreover, numerous studies receive funding from supplement manufacturers, possibly resulting in bias.
  3. Safety Concerns: “Natural” doesn’t always equate to “safe.” The purity, quality, and dosage of components in these supplements can notably differ. Some natural dietary supplements might have unfavourable effects, including digestive problems, a heightened heart rate, and medication interactions.

Choosing the Right Approach: Balanced Diet vs. Weight Loss Tablets

Now that we know the different weight loss pills and the weight loss tablets, what is the exact role of weight loss tablets with diet and when is each enough?

When to Choose a Balanced Diet:

When to choose diet management with weight loss?

1. Foundation for Long-Term Success: A healthy diet is the foundation for maintaining weight loss in the long run. If your main goal is to adopt healthier eating patterns and sustain your progress over time, opting for a balanced diet and weight management is recommended. This approach fosters weight loss and bolsters overall health by supplying vital nutrients for optimal bodily operations.

2. Lifestyle Transformation: Choosing a balanced diet signifies a commitment to a lifestyle change. If you aim to improve your eating patterns, energy levels, and overall health, embracing nutrient-dense foods through a balanced diet is wise.

3. Gradual and Sustainable Results: The gradual nature of weight loss achieved through a balanced diet helps prevent extreme fluctuations in body weight and supports the body’s ability to adapt to changes. Caloric intake and weight loss tablets is approach is suitable for those who prefer a steady, progressive transformation rather than rapid, short-term fixes.

When to Consider Weight Loss Tablets:

When to opt for weight loss tablets

1. Stubborn Obesity: For individuals grappling with extreme body weight (having a BMI exceeding 40), weight loss can pose unparalleled challenges. Conventional fat loss methods yielded limited results due to complex metabolic and physiological factors. In such cases, a weight loss pill can be considered a last resort, offering an additional tool to initiate weight reduction.

2. Breaking the Cycle of Failed Attempts: People who have diligently attempted and fallen short with numerous diets and lifestyle adjustments might experience demotivation and frustration. Weight loss tablets can offer renewed optimism by presenting a fresh approach to tackling stubborn body fat.

3. Addressing Medical Necessities: Severe obesity often comes with substantial health risks, like cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and joint issues. Rapid weight loss is necessary in certain instances to alleviate these risks. A weight loss pill, prescribed and supervised by medical professionals, can reduce body fat within a controlled setting.

4. A Pathway to Surgical Consideration: For individuals who qualify for weight loss surgery, weight loss tablets can serve as a preparatory phase. Healthcare experts might suggest prescription weight loss pills to assist patients in reaching a specific weight threshold before undergoing surgical interventions, potentially lowering surgical risks.

5. Overcoming Weight Loss Plateaus: Progress in weight loss can hit a plateau as the body adjusts to changes. During such junctures, weight loss tablets used prudently and under medical oversight can provide a momentary boost to surmount stubborn plateaus.

Final Thoughts on the Role of Weight Loss Tablets

In summary, weight loss pills can be valuable for individuals grappling with excessive weight, especially those who have tried different approaches and failed. However, it’s vital to stress the significance of consulting a healthcare professional before initiating any weight loss journey with the assistance of medications. 

Prioritising our well-being and seeking professional direction ensures safe and efficient results. Remember, although weight loss supplements can be beneficial, expert advice guides us to a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. You can also look at Elevate Now’s medical weight loss program for sustainable weight loss.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it good to take weight loss tablets?

Using weight loss tablets can be effective for some individuals, but it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional before commencing any weight loss regimen. They will offer personalised recommendations based on your health status and objectives.

What do weight loss tablets do?

Weight loss tablets can work in various ways. They may suppress appetite, boost fat metabolism, hinder fat absorption, or amplify energy expenditure. Yet, their efficacy varies and should be combined with a wholesome diet and physical activity for optimal outcomes.

What are the side effects of weight loss pills?

Side effects of weight loss pills can include nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, insomnia, and anxiety. The severity of side effects depends on the specific pill and individual tolerance.

Which medicines are best for weight loss? 

There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as the effectiveness of weight loss medicines can vary based on an individual’s health, lifestyle, and underlying conditions. Common prescription weight loss drugs include Orlistat, Phentermine-Topiramate, and Bupropion-Naltrexone. These should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional and alongside diet and exercise.