In a world where trendy diets and quick-fix solutions frequently steal the spotlight, the quest for sustainable weight loss can appear to be a challenging achievement. Numerous people set out to shed surplus weight, only to discover themselves trapped in an unceasing pattern of weight fluctuations and disappointment. 

Nonetheless, a lesser-known but effective approach to chronic weight management exists—one that combines modern medicine’s power with a commitment to long-term health and well-being.

In this blog, we will dive deep into the essential aspects of sustainable weight loss, offering you a roadmap to a healthier, happier future.

From understanding the role of medications in body weight management to exploring the importance of balanced nutrition and physical activity, we’ll provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to make informed choices on your journey.

What routine should I follow for weight loss?

If you are on a weight loss journey and want to achieve your weight loss goals effectively, embracing a comprehensive strategy encompassing a doctor-led weight loss strategy is essential. This would include a well-balanced nutritional regimen, consistent physical activity, and adjustments to your daily habits. 

The first step is to get a medical checkup done. Then, with the help of a doctor, set achievable goals and create a calorie deficit by being mindful of what you eat and managing portion sizes. Incorporate cardiovascular and strength training exercises into your daily routine to boost your metabolism and build lean muscle.

Don’t forget to prioritise getting enough restorative sleep, managing stress, and staying properly hydrated. Remember, sustainable weight loss is a gradual journey, not a quick sprint, so it’s important to be patient and stay consistent.

In the forthcoming sections, we will delve deeply into each of these elements to aid you in formulating a tailored blueprint for achieving your desired results.

Physical activity – why is it important in a weight loss program?

Engaging in regular physical activity supports weight loss goals

Physical activity holds a central role in any successful weight loss plan, and here’s why:

  1. Calorie Burn: When you engage in physical activity, your body ramps up its energy expenditure, resulting in burning calories. This calorie deficit is crucial for shedding pounds, forcing your body to tap into its fat stores for fuel.
  2. Metabolic Boost: Regular exercise can kickstart your metabolism, making your body more proficient at burning calories, even when lounging on the couch. This metabolic boost can significantly aid in achieving sustainable weight loss.
  3. Lean Muscle Preservation: When you’re on a journey to lose weight, it’s important also to maintain a healthy muscle weight. Exercise, especially resistance training, is your ally in this endeavour. It helps maintain and even build lean muscle mass, which looks great and contributes to a higher basal metabolic rate.
  4. Appetite Control: Physical activity has a knack for regulating those pesky appetite hormones. This makes it easier to manage your food intake and fend off those irresistible cravings.
  5. Improved Cardiovascular Health: Exercise does wonders for your cardiovascular system. It lowers the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and other health issues linked to obesity, ensuring your overall well-being.
  6. Stress Management: Stress often leads to overindulging and weight gain. Regular physical activity is a fantastic stress reliever, promoting emotional well-being and reducing the chances of stress-induced weight gain.
  7. Enhanced Fat Loss: Some exercises, like high-intensity interval training (HIIT), are experts at incinerating fat and enhancing insulin sensitivity. This, in turn, aids in your weight loss journey.
  8. Sustainable Lifestyle Shift: Integrate physical activity into your daily routine, and you’ll cultivate healthier habits. This boosts your odds of maintaining weight loss achievements over the long haul.

Remember, the type, frequency, and intensity of exercise can differ from person to person. The magic happens when you pair a well-balanced diet with a suitable exercise routine—the key to attaining and retaining weight loss success.

Behaviour and lifestyle modification – what is it, and why do we need it?

When shedding those extra pounds and keeping them off for good, it all boils down to one thing: behaviour and lifestyle modification. These are indeed the basic principles for successful, sustainable weight loss.

The core idea here is to revamp your daily routines, habits, and attitudes to pave the way for healthier choices. Let’s delve into why these strategies are pivotal:

  1. Sustainability: Quick-fix diets often yield short-lived results. Behaviour and lifestyle shifts, on the other hand, are geared towards establishing habits that stand the test of time, ensuring a healthier body weight that sticks around.
  2. Holistic Approach: These changes aren’t just about what’s on your plate. They embrace a 360-degree transformation, encompassing your eating habits, physical activity, stress management, and sleep patterns. It’s all about addressing the underlying causes of weight gain.
  3. Individualisation: No one-size-fits-all approach here. These tweaks can be customised to match your unique preferences and requirements, making them more adaptable and sustainable over the long haul.
  4. Preventing Relapse: Ever lost weight only to see it creep back on? Behavioural changes give you the tools to spot and conquer obstacles that might trigger weight regain.

Self-Monitoring And Feedback:

Let’s talk about a dynamic duo in your weight loss journey: self-monitoring and feedback. Self-monitoring closely monitors your eating habits, physical activity, and other relevant behaviours. Feedback, on the flip side, involves crunching the numbers to identify areas where you can up your game. Here’s why this process is a game-changer:

  1. Awareness: Self-monitoring shines a spotlight on your habits and how they impact your body weight. It’s like turning on a light in a dim room – suddenly, it’s easier to spot areas that need improvement.
  2. Accountability: Tracking your progress and receiving feedback keeps you honest. When you see the numbers in black and white, it motivates you to veer toward healthier choices.
  3. Identifying Patterns: Ever wonder why you reach for the ice cream tub when stressed? Self-monitoring helps you spot these patterns and triggers, like emotional eating, so you can strategise to tackle them head-on.

Other Behavioural Techniques:

Beyond self-monitoring, there are other nifty behavioural techniques to boost your weight loss game:

  1. Goal Setting: Setting clear, realistic goals provides a roadmap for your journey, keeping you motivated and on track.
  2. Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT is like a mental makeover. It helps you identify and kick those negative thought patterns and behaviours related to food and body image to the curb.
  3. Stress Management: Learning to tame stress through relaxation techniques and mindfulness can be a lifesaver, preventing stress-induced overeating.

Crafting The Right Eating Environment:

Creating the perfect eating environment is paramount for healthy, mindful eating:

  1. Portion Control: Smaller plates and bowls are your secret weapons. They nudge you to keep portion sizes in check and curb mindless munching.
  2. Minimise Distractions: Put that smartphone away! Eating without the distractions of screens can help you savour your meal and notice when you’re full.

The Physical Activity Setting:

Your surroundings matter for physical activity too:

  1. Accessible Facilities: Having exercise options nearby, whether a gym, park, or safe walking paths, makes it more likely to stick to your fitness routine.
  2. Social Support: Sweat it out with pals or join group fitness classes. The camaraderie and accountability can keep you moving.

Nutrition Education:

Understanding the ABCs of nutrition is your secret weapon.

  1. Balanced Diet: Nutrition education empowers you to make savvy food choices that align with your significant weight loss objectives.
  2. Label Reading: Learning the art of deciphering food labels ensures you make informed decisions when navigating the grocery aisles.

Incorporating these behaviour and lifestyle shifts into your weight loss plan significantly boosts your odds of reaching and maintaining a healthier body weight. These strategies put you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to take control of your habits and usher in lasting changes for a happier, healthier life.

Diet – why is it important in weight loss?

When shedding those extra pounds, your diet is the linchpin. It wields direct control over the calories you consume and the nutritional value your body receives. The fundamental principle to lose weight revolves around one key concept: creating a calorie deficit. This means you consume fewer calories than your body expends.

Let’s explore the intricacies of various dietary strategies to lose weight:

  1. Nutritionally Balanced, Hypocaloric Diets:

These diets are about trimming calorie intake while ensuring you still get essential nutrients. They typically strike a balance between carbs, proteins, and fats to uphold overall health. By trimming calories while maintaining nutrient equilibrium, these diets trigger a calorie deficit, nudging weight loss in the right direction without skimping on vital nutrients.

  1. Meal Replacement:

A meal replacement diet is just swapping out one or more regular meals with specially designed shakes, bars, or similar products. These replacements are usually pre-portioned and loaded with nutrients. Meal replacements provide controlled calorie intake and often have a balanced nutrient profile, making adhering to a calorie deficit easier.

  1. Unbalanced, Hypocaloric Diets:

These diets heavily restrict one or more macronutrients, such as carbohydrates or fats, to reduce calorie intake more aggressively. While they can lead to rapid weight loss, unbalanced diets may lack essential nutrients. Long-term adherence is challenging, and potential health risks exist due to nutrient deficiencies.

  1. High-Protein, Low-Carbohydrate Diets:

These diets prioritise protein intake while limiting carbohydrate consumption. They aim to promote feelings of fullness and preserve lean muscle mass. High-protein diets aid you to lose weight by increasing metabolism and reducing appetite. However, they may only be suitable for some and lead to nutrient imbalances if carefully planned.

  1. Low-Fat Diet:

Low-fat diets reduce dietary fat to trim calorie intake. They often encourage the consumption of low-fat foods. Reducing fat intake reduces calorie density in your meals, which can help you to lose weight. But remember, opt for healthy fats and maintain a balanced nutrient intake.

  1. High-Fibre Diets:

High-fibre diets increase fibre intake by incorporating fibre-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Fibre promotes satiety and aids in digestion. Fibre slows digestion, leaving you feeling full for longer and keeping your blood sugar levels steady. This helps in the weight loss battle by curbing overeating.

  1. Very-Low-Calorie Diets (VLCD):

VLCDs involve a limited daily calorie intake, often less than 800 calories, through specially formulated meal replacements or low-calorie foods. VLCDs lead to swift weight loss due to severe calorie restriction. However, they’re usually prescribed under medical supervision due to potential side effects and nutrient deficiencies.

In a nutshell, your dietary choices wield immense power over your weight loss journey. A balanced, calorie-conscious diet ensures a sustainable drop in those pounds while keeping your nutrient levels in check. Different diet strategies suit different folks but remember to keep your eye on the prize: long-term health and maintainability during your weight loss quest. Seeking guidance from a healthcare pro or a registered dietitian can steer you toward the best-fit approach tailored to your unique needs and goals.

A robust support system is vital during your weight loss journey. It can provide motivation, guidance, and emotional assistance, making the process more manageable. Let’s explore various support services and how they can aid in your efforts to lose weight: 

Support system

When managing your body weight, it is extremely important to have a support system that will help you with the low-calorie diet and exercise routine and help you to minimise weight regain.

Counselling and Psychotherapy Services:

Seeking counselling and psychotherapy services can be a game-changer when addressing the psychological aspects of managing your body weight. These professional services are designed to tackle issues like emotional eating, body image concerns, and stress-related munching. By providing expert guidance, they play a pivotal role in helping individuals establish healthier relationships with food, effectively deal with emotional hurdles, and build the mental fortitude necessary for long-term weight loss success.

Patient-Led Groups:

Patient-led groups are gatherings where individuals with similar weight loss aspirations come together to exchange stories, confront challenges, and celebrate victories. These patient-led groups create a powerful sense of community, fostering accountability and motivation instrumental in keeping people committed to their weight loss journey. In such groups, the weight loss journey is celebrated even if there has been a modest weight loss. This provides obese patients with hope and the willpower needed to promote weight loss.

Family Support:

Getting your loved ones involved in your weight loss endeavours can be a game-changer. Whether planning meals together, getting high-fives for progress, or enjoying some group exercise, involving your family creates a positive atmosphere at home. It makes it way easier to stick to those healthy habits and fosters a sense of togetherness while you all work towards better health.

Prescription and over-the-counter weight loss medications

Effective weight loss pills – prescription and OTC options

When it comes to weight loss and medicines, there are usually two types – the prescribed weight loss pills or medicines that promote weight loss and the other non-prescription weight loss medication or supplements. These supplements are often part of randomised controlled trials, meaning there is no proof that these supplements can be an effective obesity treatment.

Prescribed Weight Loss Medications: These medicines are typically recommended for people with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher or for those with a BMI of 27 or higher who grapple with severe obesity-related health issues such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes. Some commonly prescribed weight loss drugs include Orlistat, Phentermine, Lorcaserin, and Buproprion-Naltrexone. These anti-obesity medications operate in various ways, like quelling hunger, preventing fat absorption, or enhancing the sensation of fullness. These medicines have been found to help with sustained weight loss if taken according to a doctor’s instructions and by following lifestyle interventions. However, since these weight loss drugs affect your overall biology, these are only available with a prescription.

Over-the-counter (OTC) Weight Loss Supplements: Non-prescription remedies accessible without a doctor’s nod. They’re generally considered safe for individuals with a lower BMI aiming to shed a modest amount of weight. These supplements products typically encompass ingredients like caffeine, green tea extract, or other supplements designed to rev up metabolism or curb appetite. Unlike prescription medications, these supplements are available over the counter and may or may not help with weight loss.

Disclaimer: Be it weight reduction drugs or weight loss supplements, it’s best to get a medical check-up done with the help of a doctor. Additionally, weight loss medications alone cannot achieve weight loss and need intensive lifestyle interventions like healthy eating, exercise, calorie intake, etc.

Who Qualifies For Weight Loss Medication?

You are eligible for weight loss medications if you have a

High BMI: Individuals sporting a BMI of 30 or more (putting them in the overweight or obesity category) or a BMI of 27 or higher, coupled with obesity-related health concerns.

Failed Lifestyle Approaches: Those who have previously attempted, without success, to shed pounds via diet and exercise alone.

Alternatives to bariatric surgery: Those looking for weight loss and reducing the impact of weight-related comorbidities but do not want to undergo surgery.

PCOS-related weight gain: Women suffering from PCOS-related weight gain and looking beyond dietary supplements and exercise routines.

Diabetes-related weight gain: Patients with type 2 diabetes and looking for ways to maintain weight without resorting to a weight loss surgery.

Other lifestyle-related comorbidities: Patients who have other comorbidities like nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, depression, high blood pressure or cancer often also suffer from being overweight or obese. They require prescription weight loss medications that help them with weight loss maintenance.

How To Lose Weight With Medicine?

To begin and maintain weight loss with weight loss drugs, here’s the process:

Consultation: The journey commences with consulting a healthcare provider or a specialised clinic dedicated to weight management. They’ll delve into your medical history, body mass index, and overall health to determine if weight loss drugs align with your needs.

Prescription Medication: If prescribed, adhere strictly to your healthcare provider’s directives. Regular follow-up appointments are checkpoints to monitor progress and address potential side effects or concerns.

Lifestyle changesWeight loss drugs work harmoniously when combined with lifestyle changes. Embrace a balanced, calorie-conscious diet and engage in routine physical activity to amplify the medication’s efficacy.

Behavioural support: Delve into behavioural therapy or counselling to tackle emotional and psychological aspects contributing to overeating or unhealthy dietary habits.

Monitoring: Monitor your journey by documenting weight, dietary intake, and physical activity. Regular communication with your healthcare provider ensures a tailored approach to medication’s impact.

Safety and Side Effects: Stay vigilant about potential side effects of these drugs. Swiftly communicate any adverse reactions to your healthcare provider.

Long-Term Vision: Weight loss medications aren’t typically intended for extended use. Your healthcare provider will guide the transition towards sustaining weight loss through dietary and lifestyle adjustments.

Always remember weight loss pills constitute just one facet of your journey toward a healthier weight. Its potency fully shines when harmonised with a comprehensive approach centred on enduring lifestyle modifications.

What is a weight management program?

A weight management program represents a holistic and individualised strategy for attaining and sustaining a balanced weight. Typically, it encompasses a blend of dietary advice, physical activity suggestions, behavioural tactics, and, sometimes, the incorporation of weight loss supplements.

If the patient also suffers from obesity and other comorbidities like thyroid, diabetes, or PCOS, the weight management programs can include medicines that will help with rapid weight loss and also help fight chronic diseases.

The primary objective of these programs is to assist individuals in establishing and attaining their weight loss objectives while nurturing enduring lifestyle modifications that yield lasting outcomes. The pivotal element lies in offering guidance and knowledge, enabling people to make healthier decisions and proficiently oversee their weight. These programs exhibit the greatest efficacy when custom-tailored to suit an individual’s requirements and inclinations.

Ready to transform your life? Elevate Now is the revolutionary medical weight loss journey waiting for you. Click here to learn how medical weight loss can achieve your goals.

Think twice: The hidden dangers behind extreme weight loss methods

Risks of rapid weight loss techniques

In our pursuit of the ideal body, the allure of rapid and extreme weight loss methods often tempts us. However, beneath the promise of quick results lies a perilous path riddled with hidden dangers. This article uncovers the risks and repercussions associated with extreme weight loss methods, urging readers to think twice before embarking on such journeys. 

  1. Nutritional Deprivation: Extreme diets, such as crash diets or very low-calorie regimens, impose severe restrictions on calorie consumption, resulting in the deprivation of essential nutrients. This deficiency adversely affects physical well-being, energy levels, and cognitive acuity.
  2. Muscle loss: Swift weight loss can lead to the erosion of lean muscle mass, rendering the body weaker and less metabolically active. This, in turn, can facilitate weight regain when normal eating patterns are reinstated.
  3. Metabolism Slowdown: Drastic calorie reduction can slow metabolism, making long-term weight loss more challenging. The body adapts to conserve energy, impeding further progress.
  4. Gallbladder Stones: Rapid weight loss heightens the risk of gallstones and painful formations in the gallbladder. Surgical intervention may be necessary to address this condition.
  5. Cardiac Concerns: Extreme diets can strain the heart due to electrolyte imbalances, dehydration, and nutrient deficiencies, potentially leading to cardiovascular risk factors.
  6. Emotional Turmoil: Extreme methods frequently trigger emotional distress, fostering an unhealthy relationship with food and body image. This can culminate in eating disorders, anxiety, and depression.
  7. Weight Oscillation: Extreme weight loss methods frequently result in “yo-yo dieting,” where individuals swiftly regain lost weight. Weight cycling can detrimentally impact metabolic health and heighten the risk of chronic illnesses.
  8. Lack of Sustainability: Extreme approaches are seldom sustainable in the long run. Once abandoned, individuals may revert to previous dietary habits, regaining the lost weight and possibly even more.
  9. Long-Term Well-being: Ultimately, extreme weight loss methods can jeopardise long-term health, with consequences extending beyond the physical realm to encompass emotional and psychological well-being.

To sum it up, the allure of rapid solutions for achieving weight loss objectives may be enticing, but it frequently entails significant drawbacks. Extreme weight loss techniques can risk one’s general welfare, physical condition, and mental equilibrium. 

Instead, embracing a gradual, sustainable, and medically supervised path to weight loss offers greater safety, a higher probability of enduring success, and a happier, healthier life. It’s crucial to prioritise health and well-being over the attraction of swift yet hazardous outcomes.

Is Medication to Treat Obesity a Good Idea?

Utilising medication to address obesity can indeed offer advantages to some individuals. Nevertheless, engaging in a dialogue with a healthcare professional is paramount to ascertain its appropriateness according to your health situation and weight loss aspirations.

How Do I Talk to My Doctor About Weight Loss Medication?

Schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss your weight loss concerns. Be honest about your goals and previous weight loss attempts, and ask for their professional guidance.

How Do These Weight Loss Drugs Work?

Weight loss medications work through diverse mechanisms, including the suppression of appetite, the inhibition of fat absorption, or the enhancement of metabolic activity. Your doctor can provide a comprehensive explanation of the functioning of a particular drug.

What Happens Once I Stop Taking Weight Loss Medication?

Typically, weight loss medications are not intended for prolonged usage. Your healthcare provider will offer guidance on transitioning to a maintenance plan, emphasising the significance of adhering to a balanced diet and a regular exercise regimen to maintain weight loss.

How Much Weight Can You Lose?

The extent of achievable weight loss varies from person to person and hinges on the specific medication selected. Generally, a gradual and sustainable pace of 1-2 pounds per week is deemed a healthy target.

Are There Any Risks of Staying on Weight Loss Medication?

Extended use of weight loss medication may lead to side effects or a decline in effectiveness. Your healthcare provider will thoroughly assess the potential risks and benefits to ensure your well-being.

Which Medicine Is Best for Losing Weight?

Choosing the best weight loss medication depends on your health condition, objectives, and medical history. Your physician is the most suitable source to suggest the optimal option.

What Is the Routine for Weight Loss?

Attaining weight loss typically necessitates a combination of dietary adjustments, regular physical activity, and behavioural modifications. If prescribed, medication may also constitute a component of this comprehensive strategy.

What Is the Weekly Weight Loss Drug?

Weekly weight loss drugs, like Saxenda (liraglutide), are injectable medications that can aid in the weight loss journey. These are typically administered under medical supervision to ensure both safety and efficacy.

Are Weight Loss Pills Safe?

The safety of weight loss pills varies depending on the specific medication and your health profile. It is advisable to seek counsel from a healthcare provider to obtain insights into the safety aspect of a specific weight loss pill.

 What Is the 12-Week Weight Loss Pill?

There isn’t a specific “12-week weight loss pill.” The duration of weight loss medication use varies based on individual needs and healthcare provider recommendations

Are Weight Loss Injections Safe?

Weight loss injections can be safe and effective when a healthcare provider prescribes them. However, it’s essential to acknowledge the potential side effects, underscoring the importance of adhering to prop

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

Weight loss plateaus can materialise due to various factors, encompassing your body’s adaptation to diet and physical activity changes. To surmount these plateaus, consider modifying your routine and seeking insights from your healthcare provider.

What Is Sustainable Weight Loss?

Sustainable weight loss revolves around adopting healthy practices that can be maintained over time. It emphasizes gradual, consistent advancement while eschewing extreme methods.

Why Does Weight Loss Stop After Some Time?

Weight loss can decelerate as your body acclimates to alterations in your dietary habits and exercise regimen. To invigorate your weight loss journey, ponder revising your routine and consulting a healthcare provider for guidance.

How to Lose Weight from Medication Weight Gain?

If medication has caused weight gain, work with your doctor to explore alternative medications with fewer side effects. Focus on a balanced diet and physical activity to manage weight.

Beyond Diet Fads: The Real Importance of Weight Management

In a world overflowing with fleeting diet trends, chronic weight management transcends the allure of quick fixes and surface-level transformations. It represents a holistic approach to well-being that reaches far beyond mere appearances. The profound importance of weight management includes:

1. Health And Disease Prevention:

Weight control is a fundamental pillar of disease prevention. Keeping your weight within a healthy range significantly lowers the risk of chronic ailments such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain forms of cancer. Moreover, it can alleviate the symptoms of pre-existing health conditions.

2. Lifespan And Longevity:

Extensive research consistently demonstrates that individuals who effectively manage their weight tend to lead longer, healthier lives. Weight control contributes to longevity by reducing the strain on vital organs and minimising the threat of life-threatening illnesses.

3. Mental Health And Well-Being:

The undeniable link between body and mind cannot be overstated. Skillful weight management can boost self-esteem, alleviate stress, and enhance mental well-being. A positive body image and emotional health are integral to a fulfilling life.

4. Energy And Vitality:

The burden of excess weight can take a substantial physical toll. Weight management promises increased energy levels, improved mobility, and an elevated quality of life. It empowers individuals to engage in activities they might have shied away from previously.

5. Sustainable Lifestyle Changes:

Wholeheartedly embracing weight management fosters healthy routines and a sustainable lifestyle. It encourages regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, and mindful eating, ensuring lasting transformations that extend well beyond short-term dieting.

6. Reduced Healthcare Costs:

Weight management diminishes the necessity for costly medical interventions and medications linked to obesity-related health issues. Consequently, this lowers healthcare expenses and relieves the strain on healthcare systems.

7. Lifelong Habits:

Authentic weight governance is not a fleeting fix but rather a process of nurturing enduring customs that prioritise well-being and vitality. It symbolises a journey of self-discovery and perpetual self-enhancement. 

Unlock the Secret to Sustainable Weight Loss with Medication: The Truth Revealed!

In a nutshell, the core of managing one’s weight extends far beyond the passing trends of diet crazes. It signifies a deep dedication not just to reaching a healthy weight but also to nurturing your overall well-being and ensuring a long, fulfilling life. It’s a journey that delves deeper than the mere digits on a scale, encompassing critical elements such as mental and emotional health, warding off illnesses, and fostering personal empowerment.

To join this transformative journey and experience the true benefits of holistic weight management, we invite you to take the first step with Elevate Now. As India’s pioneering medical weight loss program, Elevate Now is meticulously designed by expert doctors and health coaches who understand the intricacies of sustainable weight loss. We are here to guide you in resetting your metabolism and providing the support you need to regain control of your health and live the life you love.

A Comprehensive 2023 Guide to Sustainable Weight Loss with Medication